We're Hiring!

Home Repair Program - Applications Available!

25+ Years Served

Since our founding in 1997, we’ve helped hundreds of people and families gain safe, decent, affordable housing.

34 Homes

Habitat Home

We’ve built affordable housing opportunities all across Bennington County, and expanded neighborhoods.

100,000 Volunteer Hours

a Habitat volunteer works on a construction site

Volunteers make our work possible, from building homes, to staffing the ReSale Store, to admin and policy support.

10 Repairs
in 2024

a ramp completed by bennington county habitat volunteers

We have an ambitious goal to complete 10 home repair projects this year. Can we help someone you know?

Giant group of volunteers

Women Build 2024

We just finished one of largest volunteer days our organization has ever seen! As you might expect, the impact was incredible…

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Repair in Pownal

We just finished one of the largest Home Repair Projects we have done to date! Our volunteers made it all possible for this family….

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“I work, build and support Bennington County Habitat
mainly because I think it is so important for the children of our mostly young families
to have a permanent safe place to call home.”

-Keld Alstrup, Board Member

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