Porch Completed in Bennington
Our Home Repair Program finished up another project in Bennington, allowing safe access to a home, and did so affordably.
See projects in progress, recent press releases, and more of what Bennington County Habitat is up to!
Our Home Repair Program finished up another project in Bennington, allowing safe access to a home, and did so affordably.
Our ReStore is well stocked, beautiful, and a lovely place to walk into and shop around. However, the beginnings were much humbler than that. Before the remodel, before having a storefront at all, we used to hold auctions…
After breaking ground in November, we finally received all of the necessary permits and paper work to begin the construction at 5 Greenview Drive in Bennington!
Heart of the Shires Award 11/10/2023 The beautiful glass etched award which now proudly sits in the Habitat office Our Habitat affiliate is overjoyed, and
Our ReStore was featured in the Bennington Banner this past week, with an article printed by Susan Allen.
The article covers our rebranding, how and why we operate…
This past Friday, October 27th, we broke ground on our 35th local home! We were joined by neighbors, volunteers, state representatives, and students to kick off this build.
This marks our return to Bennington…